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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Council Lending Hand

image from Logo Sauce

I found this is the Environment page on the Camden Council and the Islington Council websites, interesting huh? Though I understand that Camden works mainly with the Architecture School at UCL it might be worth a try as the projects they collaborated on so far seem to revolve around the built environment so they might be interested in exploring the possibilities of developing something that is not permanent and that is constantly evolving like our project.

Camden Council

and this is an abstract from the Islington Council website

Islington Council

“The IUDG is a supplementary planning document, which provides design principles and standards for the whole of the borough. It aims to influence:
• how buildings look and fit with their setting
• the layout and organisation of public spaces
• the appearance of street frontages

Urban design is about making better places. There are two underlying elements: places should be pleasing in appearance, and should function properly.

The guide has been organised into three sections, to address both these elements of urban design:

• section one sets out the wider background
• section two addresses the need for new buildings to fit in to their setting and reinforce local distinctiveness
• section three addresses the layout and organisation of places; how spaces and buildings affect the way they are used

The IUDG states the important role of urban design in making connections and identifying shared solutions, which resolve various different, and sometimes competing, demands. In particular, it can positively contribute to community safety and regeneration objectives by designing out crime, and contributing to the economic vibrancy by creating a high quality environment and sense of activity that makes people want to live, work and visit.”

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